Privacy Policy – Good Sustainable Mood

Privacy Policy

The personal data that you spontaneously provide by sending an email to will be processed in compliance with the new European Regulation 2016/679 on the protection of personal data.

Before writing to me, read the following privacy policy.
[last update: July 2019]

Holder of the treatment

Elena Prestigiovanni

Good Sustainable Mood
Ed Store di Elena Prestigiovanni
Strada Repubblica, 97
Parma PR
Cap 43121
P.iva 02820680342

Which data are processed, purposes of the processing, legal bases

The data being processed includes: data provided directly by the user and navigation data.

Data provided directly by the user

Information and personal data sent via email (in a completely optional and voluntary way on your part) will be processed only to answer you and, therefore, to provide feedback to your requests: information on services, estimates, collaboration proposals.

I will request additional data, with respect to those provided by you in the first contact email, only if you decide to become a customer: in this case, in fact, I will prepare a questionnaire to provide the services correctly and issue an invoice.

The legal bases of the processing are, therefore, the following: the need to respond to the requests of the users concerned, to execute pre-contractual and contractual obligations, to fulfill legal obligations.

Navigation data

With regard to the data collected by the site through technical navigation / session cookies (necessary for the functioning of the site itself) and analytical cookies in anonymous form (used for mere statistical purposes), please refer to the relative Cookie Policy.

Methods of data processing

The data collected will be processed with computer and paper tools. Any processing that may concern sensitive data is a priori excluded.

As Data Controller, I adopt the minimum security measures prescribed by law, necessary to guarantee the protection of data (and thus prevent loss, illicit or incorrect use, unauthorized access).

Data processing takes place within the European territory. The only exception concerns the navigation data, collected in aggregate and anonymous form, with the Google Analytics service (read, in this regard, the Cookie policy).

Data retention period

Data will be kept for a limited period of time, strictly necessary to follow up on requests (e.g. provide information, start and conclude a professional collaboration or partnership, start and conclude any training interventions).

Communication and dissemination scope

As the Data Controller, I collect the data personally. Such data will not be disseminated or communicated in any way to third parties. The only exceptions are the need to comply with legal obligations, to receive IT assistance, to involve other professionals or other privacy managers.

For example: if we decide to design a website to support your communication, we will have to work together with my trusted suppliers. You can request a list of any appointed privacy managers.

Nature of the provision and consequences of refusal

The provision of data is optional, but any refusal will make it impossible for me to reply to you.

According to art. 24 of the Privacy Code and, equally, according to art. 6 (letter b) of the new European Regulation 2016/679, the processing of data is lawful (and prior consent for processing is therefore not necessary), as such data are collected only to execute specific requests (and not to marketing purposes).

Rights of the interested party

You can exercise the rights attributed by the new European Regulation 2016/679 on the protection of personal data at any time by writing an email to the Data Controller

You have the right to request access to personal data, rectification, cancellation or limitation of processing; you can oppose the processing of data, request its portability, lodge a complaint with a supervisory authority.

List of the rights of the interested party, recognized by EU Regulation 2016/679 (CHAPTER III)

Art. 15 – Right of access
Art. 16 – Right of rectification
Art. 17 – Right to cancellation (“right to be forgotten”)
Art. 18 – Right to limitation of treatment
Art. 20 – Right to data portability
Art. 21 – Right to object

To read the content of the individual articles, I invite you to consult the text of EU Regulation 2016/679.

For more information, also consult the Cookie Policy.

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