Cookie Policy – Good Sustainable Mood

Cookie Policy

What are cookies?
Cookies are small text files created on your computer that store information about how many times you visit our site and what interests you in these visits. Cookies do not contain any personal data or information that could identify you.

Why are cookies necessary?
Thanks to the use of cookies we can offer the user a better experience on the website. In fact, cookies can store user preferences and settings, data entered in web forms and information of registered users. The basic functions of e-commerce would not be possible without cookies. In online stores, for example, the products found in the cart, favorite products and other information regarding the purchase, etc. are recorded in the cookies. Thanks to cookies, we can record website statistics, discover and correct any errors and provide better and more suitable content during subsequent visits. With the help of cookies, potential advertisers can publish relevant ads. Some cookies are essential for the operation of the site, others, however, can only be enabled if the user consents.

List of cookies


The _ga cookie is part of Google Analytics, and is used to                                        

distinguish users. This cookie does not contain any of your personal information.

2 YEARS Google Analytics
_gat The _gat cookie is used for the sole purpose of carrying out a statistical analysis (through the Google Analytics service) 10 MINUTER Google Analytics
_gid The _gid cookie is used for the sole purpose of carrying out a statistical analysis (through the Google Analytics service) 1 DAY  Google Analytics
euCookie Record cookies consent 1 MONTH
_cfduid technical 1 YEAR addtoany
uvc technical 1 DAY addtoany

Google Analytics

This site uses Google Analytics – owned by Google Inc. (“Google”) – for mere statistical purposes.
This is a web analysis service, which deposits cookies on the user’s computer for statistical analysis in aggregate form, in relation to navigation and visits to the website.

When a user visits the site, the information generated by Google Analytics cookies is transmitted to Google and stored on their servers (United States). Objective: to generally analyze the use of the site by visitors and transmit this information, in aggregate and anonymous form, through the Analytics reports. Read the Google privacy policy and safeguard the data recorded by Google Analytics.

The IP anonymization function is active on this site: this means that browsing takes place anonymously, as the user’s IP address is not stored in its entirety.

As indicated by the Privacy Guarantor, third-party analytical cookies are comparable to technical cookies only if tools are adopted that reduce the identifying power of cookies (eg with the masking of significant IP portions) and if the third party undertakes not to cross the information contained in the cookies with others at its disposal. In its information, Google confirms that it does not share data or connect it to other services, unless the customer asks for it (by changing his settings).

In this regard: on this website, Google Analytics is not linked to additional services and no advertising options are active. Consequently, no specific information of any kind is shared.

Third party cookies


These services allow interaction with social networks or other external platforms directly from the web pages.

The interactions and information acquired by this Application are in any case subject to the User’s privacy settings relating to each social network.

In the event that an interaction service with social networks is installed, it is possible that, even if the Users do not use the service, it collects traffic data relating to the pages in which it is installed.

AddToAny (AddToAny LLC)

AddToAny is a service provided by AddToAny LLC that displays a widget that allows interaction with social networks and external platforms and the sharing of the contents of this Application.

Depending on the configuration, this service can show widgets belonging to third parties, for example the managers of social networks on which to share interactions. In this case, even the third parties that provide the widget will be aware of the interaction made and the Usage Data relating to the pages where this service is installed.

Personal data collected: Cookies and Usage data.

Place of processing: USA –  Privacy Policy

How to disable cookies

To disable the cookies installed by this site and / or other cookies (which you may receive from any other website) you can configure your browser to remove and / or block them, taking into account the specific privacy policies and cookie policies of third party services.

To disable Google Analytics cookies in your browser, you can install the browser add-on for deactivating Google Analytics. Further information is available on the following page: Google Analytics and privacy.

Most browsers accept cookies by default. However, you can disable, block or remove them, all or part of them. Here are some of the main support guides.

Internet Explorer
Google Chrome
Safari iOS
Windows Phone

Privacy Policy

To learn more about the type of data collected on this site, the purposes, methods and other related information, I invite you to read the privacy policy – updated to the European Regulation 2016/679.

Questo sito usa i cookie per offrirti la migliore esperienza possibile. Se vuoi saperne di più o negare il consenso a tutti o ad alcuni cookie, consulta la Cookie Policy premendo su maggiori informazioni. Cliccando su Accetto acconsenti all'uso dei cookie maggiori informazioni

Questo sito utilizza i cookie per fornire la migliore esperienza di navigazione possibile. Continuando a utilizzare questo sito senza modificare le impostazioni dei cookie o cliccando su "Accetta" permetti il loro utilizzo.
